10 Most Common Digital Marketing Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Standing Out Among Your Competitors

Sep 30, 2022 | Marketing Tips, Marketing Trends

“My customers appreciate the excellent quality, service, and attention to detail that I provide. If only more people were aware of my existence…but my industry is so competitive that it’s impossible to stand out.”

This is the most common issue we hear from business owners. It’s also been a challenge for us.

So let’s get right into it. If you’re wondering how to get more eyes on your business, we’re sharing our best ideas you can try to stand out in a sea of samesies.

Surprise and Delight

So many businesses claim to provide the best service. When you ask them how they can improve, they list things like “delivering on time” or “delivering quality work.” Personally, I consider these to be standard operating procedures—I expect them.

When you have a surprisingly good or surprisingly bad customer service experience, you are more likely to remember it. However, mediocre service is unlikely to stick with you long enough for you to tell anyone about it.

Businesses that stand out are those that make you feel like your satisfaction is always their top priority. They actively seek ways to go above and beyond, turning challenges or mistakes into opportunities to delight.

Don’t settle for mediocrity. If you want to be memorable, go above and beyond—every time. Would someone tell their friends about your customer service experience?  Use that as a general rule.

Make a Name for Yourself

Have you ever heard the expression “the riches are in the niches”? It’s much easier to stand out and become known for one, very specific thing than it is to try to sell everything to everyone. Your competitors are fewer in a niche market, your marketing dollars can be spent more strategically, and you can often charge more because you’re a specialist.

Are you the best pet photographer in town? Do you make an awesome vegan pizza? Focus, claim, and own it.

Be Noticeably Different

It is our responsibility as business owners to be able to confidently tell potential customers why we are worth their time and money. When there is nothing distinctive or distinguishing about your products, services, or brand, price becomes the only variable. And, if the only differentiating factor is price, we become magnets for bargain hunters looking for the best bang for their buck.

Stand out by identifying areas where you can provide value that your competitors cannot or by addressing customer pain points that your competitors are not. When you look deeper, you’ll discover that there are far more opportunities to stand out than you realize.

Take Customer Feedback Seriously and Apply It

Too often, we assume what our customers want and need instead of asking them.

Collecting customer feedback can help you identify potential product and service offerings that your customers want but that you aren’t providing yet. It can also assist you in determining where your customers are confused or require additional assistance. Feedback also provides insight into the words and phrases your customers are using to describe their problems, which will help you assist them.

You’ll be able to truly get to know your customers and how you can better serve them if you survey them. If you follow their advice, you’ll be able to understand what they consider to be exceptional customer service, must-have products, clear marketing, and much more.

Give the Impression That You Care

Your brand’s visual appearance is your customer’s first impression of your company and sets the tone for all subsequent interactions with you. You want them to say themselves, “Wow! I’d love to work with this brand”—not “If this is how their website looks, how will the quality of their work or service be?”

If your website, logo, or marketing materials are sloppy, it sends a message to your customers that you don’t value your brand enough to invest in it. Even if you’re just starting out or don’t have a lot of money to spend, there are designers to suit every budget and business type. 

Make your brand stand out by ensuring that it appears polished, professional, and trustworthy at all touchpoints.

Give (and Receive)

Building trust with your target audience takes time and, in many cases, multiple interactions. Asking someone for a sale is the business equivalent of asking for their hand in marriage, and shotgun weddings are relatively rare. If the “marriage proposal” fails, ask them out on a date instead—consider offering a free trial, sample, information (blogs, videos, PDFs), or a free initial consultation to reduce risk perceptions, create goodwill, and build your relationship.

When we give generously to potential customers, we break down barriers, attract people to our business, assist our customers in getting to know us, build trust, and foster reciprocity.

Reward Loyal Customers

“Repeat buyers generate the same revenue as five new customers combined and are nine times more likely to convert,” says Autopilot.

Yes, existing customers are just as important and valuable to impress as new ones (if not more). Consider differentiating yourself from the competition by rewarding their loyalty with discounts, incentives, exclusive deals, affiliate programs, or referrer bonuses.

Your company’s success is directly related to the customers who patronize it. Treat them like royalty and create new ways to wow them in order to stand out in your industry.

A digital marketing agency could definitely help you stand out among the competition. To find if you need one, here’s our blog post on 11 Signs You Need a Digital Marketing Agency.

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