Dec 16, 2019 | Marketing Tips, Marketing Trends, Social Media Marketing
How to Reduce Your Unsubscribe Rate Wouldn’t it be great if nobody ever unsubscribed from your list? It’s easy to fantasize about a world where every subscriber is a paying customer, and everybody loves you and your company forever. That is a fantasy. Unsubscribes are...
Nov 16, 2019 | Marketing Tips, Marketing Trends
Direct Response Marketing Campaigns That Deliver Results There’s no denying that direct response marketing—when done right—is hugely effective. The problem is that It is often attempted in ways that are ill-conceived and poorly executed. When that happens, the results...
Oct 16, 2019 | Marketing Tips, Marketing Trends, Social Media Marketing
8 Social Media Myths to Leave Behind There’s no question that social media marketing is, and will continue to be, important for local businesses. That said, there are a lot of social media myths that are annoyingly persistent and believing them can hurt your business....